Interactive Project.

Building a Maze

When it came to the building of the maze, I wanted it to start on one side and finish on the other, instead of a maze which focuses on finding the centre. The finish line to the game will have a door which can only be unlocked with five keys found throughout the maze. The theme of the maze is space, so shall have the player escape at the end in a spaceship. Alien characters are placed in the maze and have a connection to the AR element that makes up the interactive part to this project.

3D characters

The 3d characters are based of character drawings done by a designer within the group. The characters will be located in different areas around the maze and shall make up the clues that will be part of the AR element of the project.

Platforms & Obstacles

In the maze the player will encounter red areas, which if you walk in shall lower the health bar. There are also platforms which move over red zones. Altogether these make navigating the maze more difficult.

Door Keys

There are 5 door keys placed around the maze. Once they are collected, they shall open the exit door to the spaceship where the game will end. To make the keys function I needed to make scripts in Unity. The first being for the player to pick up the keys and then another script for the player to interact with the door. There is a collider attached to the door which only works when all keys are collected.

Health Bar

The health bar adds another element to the game as there are obstacles within the maze which shall lower the players health. As it is space themed the health bar is drawn as an oxygen tank. The health bar changes colour as the percentage gets lower and once it’s at 0, shall restart the game.

AR Maze

Along with the game the player will have different character drawings given to them. The drawings will have an AR function which shall allow the user to see a 3D model of that character, along with a 3D layout of part of the maze. The AR models can be put together as a map to help find a way through the maze, to find the keys and the spaceship.

Maze Game

Overall the game has been completed with the player able to pick up all 5 keys and use them to open the door to the spaceship at the end. The game was tested and found to be tricky, with the obstacles that lower your health as well as the difficulty in working your way through the maze. This being said it was built to be a challenge so has exceeded in its goal. Unfortunately, I did not get a chance to make the game in VR which we planned to do but focused the attention on the layout and interactive objects of the maze.